

CLA Conjugated Linoleic Acid for Bodybuilders and Athletes


Other Name: cis-9,trans-11-Octadecadienoic Acid trans-10, cis-12-Octadecadienoic Acid 9Z, 11E-Octadecadienoic Acid 10E, 12Z-Octadecadienoic Acid
Spec./ Purity: TG 60% ( Other specifications can be customized)
CAS Number: 121250-47-3
Appearance: White or light yellow powder
Main function: reduce body fat and increase lean body mass
Test Method: USP
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Product Description

CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid) is an essential fatty acid, which means the human body cannot synthesize it and it belongs to the omega-6 family. CLA is primarily found in beef, lamb, and dairy products, especially in butter and cheese. Since the human body cannot produce CLA on its own, it must be obtained through dietary intake.


Due to its potential health benefits, including aiding in fat reduction, improving body composition, enhancing heart health, combating oxidative stress, and reducing inflammation, CLA is available in both powder and oil forms.

SRS Nutrition Express offers both types. Our supplier's technology is backed by internationally recognized laboratories, with over two decades of expertise in CLA production. Their technical capabilities, manufacturing scale, and quality standards are highly reliable, earning recognition and trust in the market.


Technical Data Sheet


Function and Effects

Burning Fat:
As mentioned earlier, CLA helps break down stored fat and utilize it as energy, aiding in fat burning. It also assists in increasing muscle mass, which, in turn, boosts energy requirements, leading to further weight loss—provided that our diet is balanced. CLA also reduces insulin levels, a hormone responsible for storing certain compounds. This means that lower-calorie compounds in our food are stored in the body, making them more effectively utilized during exercise and physical activity.

Asthma Relief:
CLA increases the levels of DHA and EPA enzymes in our body, which are essential Omega-3 fatty acids with significant anti-inflammatory properties. This makes them particularly beneficial from a health perspective. These fatty acids effectively combat inflammation, which plays a crucial role in alleviating symptoms in asthma patients. CLA improves respiratory conditions, and a daily intake of 4.5 grams of CLA also reduces the activity of leukotrienes, molecules produced in the bodies of asthma patients that trigger bronchospasms. CLA contributes to enhancing the well-being of asthma patients by suppressing and regulating the molecular movements that generate leukotrienes without compromising veins.

Cancer and Tumors:
Although it has only been demonstrated in animal experiments so far, there is positive reference value in the effect of CLA in reducing certain tumors by as much as 50%. These types of tumors include epidermoid carcinomas, breast cancer, and lung cancer. Not only have positive results been observed in cases with existing tumors in animal experiments, but researchers have also pointed out that taking CLA effectively reduces the risk of cancer formation because CLA protects cells from becoming cancerous in such scenarios.


Immune System:
Excessive exercise, poor nutritional diets, and the intake of harmful substances into the body can be detrimental to the immune system. The body signals its state of fatigue, making it more susceptible to certain diseases like the common cold. Research suggests that taking CLA helps the immune system function effectively. In other words, when ill or feverish, CLA helps inhibit destructive processes such as the breakdown of metabolism within the body. Using CLA also leads to an improvement in immune response.

High Blood Pressure:
Besides cancer, circulatory system diseases are one of the leading causes of death. Studies indicate that under proper dietary conditions, CLA can contribute to improved high blood pressure conditions. However, it cannot alleviate a stressful lifestyle and improve stress management. CLA assists in reducing body fat levels and suppressing triglyceride levels, which can lead to plaque buildup in blood vessels and vasoconstriction. Vasoconstriction is one of the causes of high blood pressure. Through the combined action of CLA, it helps lower blood pressure.


Heart Diseases:
As previously mentioned, CLA contributes to maintaining circulation and preventing degradation. By lowering triglyceride and cholesterol levels, it smoothes blood flow, making the flow of oxygen and nutrients more efficient. CLA plays a positive role in this aspect. Using CLA also lowers the risk of cardiovascular diseases associated with insulin resistance.

Gaining Muscle:
CLA increases basal metabolism, aiding in daily energy expenditure and reducing body fat. However, studies indicate that reducing body fat does not necessarily equate to a decrease in overall body weight. This is because CLA assists in improving the growth of muscle mass, thus increasing the muscle-to-fat ratio. Consequently, by increasing muscle mass, caloric demands and consumption within the body are heightened. Additionally, exercise improves skin complexion and the aesthetics of muscles.

Application Fields

Weight Management and Fat Reduction:
CLA has been extensively studied to assess its potential in helping reduce body fat and increase lean body mass. A systematic review published in "The Journal of Nutrition" summarized the effects of CLA on body fat percentage and weight, finding that it may have a positive impact on certain individuals, although the effects may not be very significant.

Heart Health:
Some studies suggest that CLA may contribute to improving heart health, particularly by altering the ratio between high-density lipoprotein (HDL) and low-density lipoprotein (LDL). A study published in the "Journal of the American Heart Association" explored the potential effects of CLA on cardiovascular risk.


Antioxidant and Anti-Inflammatory Effects:
CLA exhibits antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, aiding in combating cellular oxidative stress and reducing inflammation. Research in this area can be found in various medical and biochemical journals.

CLA & Weight loss


Let's take a look at the fat-reduction mechanism of Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA). CLA has been proven to influence receptors responsible for increasing fat burning and regulating glucose and lipid (fat) metabolism. Interestingly, CLA can help reduce fat without reducing body weight, indicating its ability to burn internal fat while preserving lean muscle mass.

When combined with a sensible diet and exercise plan, CLA will contribute to reducing body fat while potentially increasing lean body mass.

Conjugated Linoleic Acid acts to inhibit Lipoprotein Lipase (LPL), an enzyme involved in lipid metabolism (transferring fat to fat cells, storage sites). By reducing the activity of this enzyme, CLA leads to a decrease in the storage of body fat (triglycerides).

Furthermore, it plays a role in the activation of fat breakdown, a process in which lipids are broken down and released as fatty acids for energy production (burning). Similar to the first function, this mechanism results in a reduction of triglycerides locked in fat storage cells.

Lastly, research emphasizes that CLA is involved in accelerating the natural metabolism of fat cells.


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  • Packaging

    1kg -5kg

    ★ 1kg/aluminium foil bag, with two plastic bags inside.

    ☆ Gross Weight | 1 .5kg

    ☆ Size | ID 18cmxH27cm


    25kg -1000kg

    ★ 25kg/fiber drum, with two plastic bags inside.

    ☆ Gross Weight | 28kg

    ☆ Size| ID42cmxH52cm

    ☆ Volume| 0.0625m3/Drum.


    Large-Scale Warehousing



    We offer swift pickup/delivery service, with orders being dispatched on the same or next day for prompt availability. packing-3

    Our CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid) has obtained certification in compliance with the following standards, demonstrating its quality and safety:

    ★ HACCP

    ★ ISO9001

    ★ Halal

    1. In which industries and applications is CLA typically used?
    It can be used as an emulsifier and a food additive, added to various food products such as flour, sausage, powdered milk, beverages, etc., expanding its application scope and range.

    2. Is your CLA product suitable for sports nutrition, dietary supplements, or other specific applications?
    Yes, our CLA product is suitable for various applications, including sports nutrition, dietary supplements, and food additives.

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