

High-Grade Beta-Alanine for Endurance Enhancement


Other Name: alanine, Beta-alanine, β-alanine
Spec./ Purity: 98%—101%  ( Other specifications can be customized)
CAS Number: 107-95-9
Appearance: White crystals or crystalline powder
Main function: Acid Buffering;Carnosine Synthesis
Test Method: AJI TEST
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Product Description

Beta-alanine, which the body cannot produce, is an essential amino acid which must be supplemented from outside. If natural intake is desired, beta alanine can be obtained from food sources, especially poultry meats. However, most nutritional schedules do not contain enough beta alanine to enhance athletic performance. Therefore, professional athletes need to produce the best beta alanine possible!

Our SRS Nutrition Express has 6 warehouses in Europe and logistically we can deliver directly to the customer's warehouse.

We have strict quality control and we sell at favourable prices.

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Acetyl L-Carnitine

Technical Data Sheet

Items Specification Result Test Method

Physical&Chemical Data


white crystallization or

crystalline powder











Loss on drying




Residue on Ignition
























Other amino acids

Not detectable

Not detectable


Heavy Metals

Heavy Metals(Pb)




Arsenic (As)




General Status

Non-GMO, Allergen Free, Non-Irradiation

Packaging &Storage

Packed in paper-drums and two plastic-bags

Keep in cool & dry place. Stay away from strong light and heat

Shelf Life

Two years if sealed and stored away from strong sun light and heat

Function and Effects

★ Carnosine Synthesis:

Beta-alanine is a precursor to carnosine, a dipeptide that acts as a pH buffer in skeletal muscle. Increased carnosine levels contribute to improved acid-base balance during high-intensity exercise.

★ Acid-Buffering Capacity:

By elevating intramuscular carnosine levels, beta-alanine enhances the muscle's ability to buffer and resist changes in pH, thereby delaying the onset of muscle fatigue during anaerobic activities.

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★ Enhanced Exercise Performance:

Beta-alanine supplementation has been linked to improved endurance, power output, and overall exercise performance, particularly in activities involving repeated bouts of high-intensity efforts.

★ Reduced Muscle Fatigue:

Its role in buffering lactic acid and other acidic byproducts helps reduce muscle fatigue, allowing athletes to sustain higher workloads for extended periods.

★ Neuromuscular Benefits:

Beta-alanine may positively influence neuromuscular function, potentially improving muscle contraction and coordination during intense physical activities.

Application Fields

★ Sports Nutrition:

Beta-alanine is widely utilized in sports nutrition supplements, especially in pre-workout formulations, to enhance endurance, delay muscle fatigue, and support overall exercise performance.

★ Bodybuilding and Strength Training:

Athletes engaged in resistance training and bodybuilding often incorporate beta-alanine to optimize muscle endurance and promote increased training volumes.

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★ High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT):

Given its ability to buffer acidity during short bursts of intense effort, beta-alanine is suitable for individuals participating in HIIT, where repeated bouts of vigorous exercise are common.

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  • Packaging

    1kg -5kg

    ★ 1kg/aluminium foil bag, with two plastic bags inside.

    ☆ Gross Weight | 1 .5kg

    ☆ Size | ID 18cmxH27cm


    25kg -1000kg

    ★ 25kg/fiber drum, with two plastic bags inside.

    ☆ Gross Weight | 28kg

    ☆ Size| ID42cmxH52cm

    ☆ Volume| 0.0625m3/Drum.


    Large-Scale Warehousing



    We offer swift pickup/delivery service, with orders being dispatched on the same or next day for prompt availability. packing-3

    Our Beta-alanine has obtained certification in compliance with the following standards, demonstrating its quality and safety:

    ★ GMP Certification (Good Manufacturing Practice)
     ISO 9001 Quality Management System Certification
    ★ ISO 22000 Food Safety Management System Certification
    ★ Kosher Certification
    ★ Halal Certification
    ★ Halal Certification

    Q: How does Beta-Alanine contribute to improved exercise performance?

    A: Beta-Alanine’s Mechanism in Enhancing Exercise Performance:

    Carnosine Synthesis: Beta-Alanine serves as the limiting factor in the synthesis of carnosine, a dipeptide concentrated in skeletal muscles. Carnosine acts as an intracellular buffer, neutralizing the accumulation of hydrogen ions (protons) during anaerobic metabolism.

    pH Regulation: During high-intensity exercise, the breakdown of ATP leads to increased proton production, resulting in a decline in pH levels (acidosis) within muscle cells. Elevated carnosine levels, facilitated by Beta-Alanine supplementation, enhance the muscle’s buffering capacity, mitigating the impact of acidic conditions.

    Delaying Muscle Fatigue: By effectively buffering acidity, Beta-Alanine delays the onset of muscle fatigue, allowing individuals to sustain higher workloads and exertion levels during activities like resistance training or high-intensity interval training (HIIT).

    Q: What is the optimal timing for Beta-Alanine supplementation in relation to exercise?

    A: Timing Considerations for Beta-Alanine Supplementation:

    Pre-Workout Consumption: Beta-Alanine is commonly included in pre-workout formulations to ensure its presence during the exercise session. This timing aligns with its role in buffering acidity and preventing fatigue during the activity.

    Consistent Daily Supplementation: To maximize the intramuscular carnosine pool, Beta-Alanine should be consumed regularly, even on non-exercise days. The body’s ability to synthesize carnosine is dependent on a consistent supply of Beta-Alanine.

    Loading Phase vs. Sustained Supplementation: Some individuals opt for a loading phase, initially consuming higher doses to rapidly increase carnosine levels. Others prefer a sustained approach, spreading out daily doses. The choice depends on personal preferences and tolerance to paraesthesia, a tingling sensation often associated with Beta-Alanine ingestion.

    Individual Response Variability: Individual responses to Beta-Alanine supplementation can vary, with some individuals experiencing noticeable benefits after a few weeks, while others may require a more extended period. Thus, regular and continuous intake is crucial for optimizing performance gains.

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